Thursday 16 September 2010

Returning to normal.

Well we've now been in the new house for 3 weeks, there's still some more boxes to unpack, but I'm just about finished. I'm really glad were settled in really quickly.

I've finished some stitching for an exchange. I'd packed it safely away for the move but when it came to finding it I couldn't. I did finally find it thankfully and was able to post it albeit a little bit late. I'm just waiting to confirm that my partner has received my parcel and then I'll be able tell you what I made.

With all the talk of Autumn I went looking through my pile of stash and dug out 'Autumn Arbour' by Drawn Thread. I had actually started this a few months ago but put it to one side as my stitching mojo had disappeared, I'm glad to say though I'm really enjoying stitching it and it shouldn't be too long before I'm finished.

I've also joined Becky's Pumpkin Challenge 2010, so this piece will count. The idea is to stitch things that have pumpkins in them. So far I plan on doing Just Nan's "Autumn Humbug", LHN "October" and a Lizzie Kate piece, but I've yet to decide which one.

On a last but lovely note I received a thread holder from Lynn as part of Exchanging with BeckySC. I just love the little bunny!


I'm off now to go and do some ironing and then pick the eldest up from school. Until next time take care.


Sunday 15 August 2010

Moving house!

What an eventful few weeks I've had. Our current landlord phoned to let me know that he was selling the house we rent off him, and since we are not in a position to buy it ourselves we've had to find somewhere else pretty quick.
We have been very fortunate though and found an old Victorian town hose to rent for only a little bit extra. It has four bedrooms (which we need), 2 reception rooms downstairs and a kitchen/diner. The best thing about it though is that there are loads of walls which need filling with lots of sewing....
We move next Saturday (21st) and I'm not sure how long we'll be without an internet connection, but I'll be back as soon as I can.
On a sewing note, I have been doing some for me personally and also for an exchange. I can't show any pictures as our computer broke and it's in the process of being fixed and I'm having to rely on an old computer that's incredibly slow and can't handle uploading pics unless you have a couple of hours to spare.
Finally thank you for all your kind words and congratulations on my news. The baby is due 1/1/11 (how cool is that date) but I will have to have a c/s probably the week before Christmas. I don't know the sex yet, I should find out on the 26th but I'll be sure to tell you all.

Take care,  Melanie.

Sunday 18 July 2010

Still here...

Firstly I must apologise for my long and unexplained disappearance. I hadn't meant to leave it this long but as we all know life gets in the way.
I completely lost my stitching mojo in a big way and it's only just starting to return now. It didn't help that the twins are now completely mobile and I need eyes in the back of my head, I also found out I was expecting again which was a complete surprise and has took a little time to get used to the idea. So with all of that going on and going to work, I've needed to sleep at every chance.
I'm feeling a lot better know so hopefully the updates will be more frequent, and I'll also be able to comment more on other people's blogs.

Now on to things stitching related. I participated in Exchanging with Beckysc. This was my first exchange in blog land and it was for a scissor keep. I don't know if everyone is the same as me but I got so anxious about what I was going to stitch and whether or not they would like it. I'd never made a scissor keep before and the finishing on it was quite ambitious for me and my humble skills.
I choose "Cottage Garden Scissor Case" from The Drawn Thread and my partner was Lynn.

The fabric that it's laid on is what I used for the lining. I was really pleased how it turned out.
I was fortunate to recieve a wonderful exchange from Sadie. It's a Prairie Schooler design and I just love it in every way.

Well I think I've gone on long enough and thank you if you made it to the end of the post. I have bought some stash lately which I will share another time with you.
(For some reason blogger wouldn't allow me to write underneath this pic)
Take care,



Saturday 20 March 2010


Well I forgot to post my TUSAL, so here it is for all to see.....

A mad idea!

First of all go and visit Terrie's blog she's having a fantastic and generous giveaway, which of course I would love to win.

I've finally managed to finish February by LHN, it's taken me what seems like forever to finish, but it's now all done and is looking good if I do say so myself. I've also made good progress on March, I just love the little sheep it's so cute.

I've been busying buying some more stash. I bought CCN Part 1 of the "Summer Seascape" series and Blue Ribbon Designs "Schoolgirl Samplings", I'm still waiting for the fabric to arrive for this though. What do people think, do I just do the sampler or do I make the whole box and smalls? (Sorry about the picture quality)
I've also joined my first BOTM from Leanne's House "Down in the Garden". You can see picture's of it on the side bar. I'm sure you'll agree that the fabrics and threads for the first block are lovely, but there's a problem - I've never actually made a quilt before, (and that's the mad idea) I'm sure that I will eventually figure it out or if anyone has any helpful suggestions it would be greatly appreciated, but don't hold your breath for regular updates.
Well I think that's all for now, I need to go and feed the boys their tea. Take care of yourselves and I'll see you all soon.

Thursday 4 March 2010

Hi again!

I can't believe that it's been so long since I last posted. I guess life gets busy and things get in the way, I've kept saying to myself that I'll post but then I get distracted. I've gone back to work after maternity leave and because I'm so tired I've not done that much stitching.
First of all here is my TUSAL about 3 weeks late, you can compare it with the picture in the post below.
I've finished the main part of the 'Traveling Stitcher' but I've still have to finish the small design. I've read that the Impie, Hattie & Bea project keeper may be released again later in the year so I'm not going to finish it off quite yet as I'd like to buy the original.
I'm going to try and give myself some small goals to complete this month.

  1. Finish the February ornament by LHN

  2. Stitch and finish the March ornament by LHN

  3. Stitch and finsish parts 2 & 3 of Spring Social by CCN 

  4. Anything else will be a bonus.
I think these are doable and hopefully I'll feel like I accomplished something. Next time I'll have some pictures of stash that I've bought. Happy stitching.

Sunday 17 January 2010


Since I'm still new to blogging I only just discovered the TU SAL at the end of last year. I loved looking at all of the different containers people had used and what they had put in them. I signed up for this years
TU SAL and started my jar on January 1st 2010.
This is my progress as of the 16th January, so far it contains NPI silks, Cresent Colours and DMC threads.

I've also joined the LHN Travelling Stitcher SAL, it started on the 2nd January but due to different things I was only able to make a start on mine last night, this is my progress so far- not really that much to see.

I hope everyone is well and is enjoying their weekend.

Friday 15 January 2010

A finish, a WIP, stash and a cat.

This is my first finish for 2010. It's part of the monthly from LittleHouse Needleworks. I actually finished it at the very beginning of January. I haven't decided how I'm going to finish them yet, I'm toying with the idea of doing them as flat folds and then displaying them on the mantle piece. It was really quick and fun to stitch up.

       LittleHouse Needleworks - "Sampler Months" - January
                                 32ct Raw Cashel Linen
                                      Cresent Colours     

I've finally got my charts that I ordered the middle of December, I have no idea what the postal service was doing with the for a month, I was beginning to think that they had got lost.

                         Little House Needleworks - The Library
              Country Cottage Needleworks - Springtime Couple
My WIP is "4 Wishes" from Just Nan. I fancied doing something different and I've not stitched a Just Nan pattern for some years.

                                     Just Nan - 4 Wishes
                                 28 ct Raw Cashel Linen
                                       DMC Threads

While I was taking the photo my cat Koko just couldn't resist trying to eat the threads from the edge of the fabric. He really is a naughty cat, you cannot leave any socks lying around as he loves to pinch them,I'm forever looking for odd socks now. He has a brother Wilbur but he's extremely shy and refused to have his pic taken.

Thank you once again for stopping by, and I really appreciate all of your comments.

Monday 4 January 2010

I'm back!

With the holidays and DH and the children been at home I've not been able to get on the computer to update. I hope everyone has had a wonderful time with family and friends, we've mainly stayed inside, ate too much chocolate and watched too much TV.
I've done a little stitching and have started to knit my very first pair of socks. Lets just say that getting to grips with four needles at once has been fun, I've lost count of how many times I pulled them out and started again till I've finally got the hang of it. I'll post pictures later this week.
I'd already posted a list of what I'd like to accomplish in 2010 stitching wise, that list has already grown as I signed up for the Just Nan seasonal humbugs, if the rest are as lovely as this I'll be one happy little bunny. I also signed up for the Littlehouse Needleworks Sampler Months and have very nearly finished January.
I'd better go now and feed the kids :)